
Halloween Action-Horror Package- Virtual Reality Experience

Halloween Action-Horror Package- Virtual Reality Experience

From: $35.00

2 to 4 Players in the same session up to 8 in the same booking

You have 30 minutes to complete all tasks and get away

Add additional Experience

Laserbots VR - Add-On

You have 13 minutes to complete all tasks and get away


🎃 Halloween Action-Horror VR Package

🖤 PULSE: Alone in the dark, a single heartbeat pierces the silence. You and your team tread softly, weapons ready, but what lurks in the shadows? Every bullet counts, every movement is critical. Stick together, for what awaits might just be your worst nightmare.

🖤 Dark Z: Think you’ve outgrown your fear of the dark? Think again. Dive into the chilling crypt of DARK Z. Navigate through pitch-black corridors, and be ready for monsters lurking in every shadow. Your aim, your wits, and your team’s unity are your only lifelines, but sometimes, even that might not be enough.

Experience adrenaline like never before. Though the darkness might cripple your vision, the 4D effects of hyper-virtual reality will amplify every other sensation. Brace yourself for a spine-chilling fight for survival!

Dive in if you dare, but remember, in these realms, every choice could be your last. 🎃



2 to 4 people playing in the same Virtual World and physical space

Time Pressure 35 minutes

🖤 PULSE: Alone in the dark, a single heartbeat pierces the silence. You and your team tread softly, weapons ready, but what lurks in the shadows? Every bullet counts, every movement is critical. Stick together, for what awaits might just be your worst nightmare.

🖤 Dark Z: Think you’ve outgrown your fear of the dark? Think again. Dive into the chilling crypt of DARK Z. Navigate through pitch-black corridors, and be ready for monsters lurking in every shadow. Your aim, your wits, and your team’s unity are your only lifelines, but sometimes, even that might not be enough.

Movement: Free Roaming

Genre: Action-Horror / Zombies

Adventure Difficulty – EASY

Age Rating: 13+ 

The brief / the challenge

You have 35 minutes to complete all tasks and get away

Guests must be over 13 years of age to play and physically able to walk around for an hour unassisted and use both hands the whole time.

If you wear glasses, we recommend contacts or you must play without your glasses as they scratch and damage the headset’s lenses. Make sure you wear comfortable clothes and footwear.

To keep you safe, we request you don’t drink alcohol or take drugs before or during your session.

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